Getting Started with IC Imaging Control 4 .NET Class Library

To help setting up projects, the installer sets two environment variables:

  • IC4PATH points to the installation directory
  • PATH is extended to include IC4PATH%\bin

The IC Imaging Control 4 installer puts the include, library and binary files into

  • IC4PATH%\include
  • IC4PATH%\lib
  • IC4PATH%\bin

Setting Up the Project

To compile a C++ program using IC Imaging Control 4 C++ Class Library, include files and libraries have to be found by the project in some way. The specifics depend on the type of project being used.

Using Microsoft Visual Studio

After creating a C++ project, make the following changes to the project settings:

  • Add $(IC4PATH)\include to the list of include directories
  • Add $(IC4PATH)\lib to the list of library directories

Using CMake

Add the following line to your CMakeLists.txt to instuct CMake to look for the ic4 library package:

find_package(ic4 REQUIRED)

Then, add ic4::core to the target_link_libraries section for your executable. CMake will then automatically add the proper include pathes and library options to your project.

To copy the ic4 binary files to your output directory, use the ic4_copy_runtime_to_target function.

The minimum CMakeLists.txt for a ic4 C++ project looks like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)

project( hello-ic4 )

find_package( ic4 REQUIRED )

add_executable( hello-ic4

target_link_libraries( hello-ic4

ic4_copy_runtime_to_target( hello-ic4 )

Hello IC4!

Add this code to your main C++ file to check whether project setup was successful:

#include <ic4/ic4.h>
#include <iostream>

int main()

    std::cout << "Hello, IC4!" << std::endl;