IC Imaging Control 4 C++ Class Library

Welcome to the IC Imaging Control 4 C++ Class Library!

What's New

Version History contains a list of changes and additions in this and previous ic4 releases.

Transitioning from IC Imaging Control 3.x C++ Class Library provides transition hints for developers familiar with version 3.x of IC Imaging Control.


In the Programmer's Guide, basic use of the library is explained, for example:


A selection of C++ Example Programs is available at https://www.github.com/TheImagingSource/ic4-examples/tree/master/cpp/ .


The Technical Articles section contains in-depth information about technical topics concerning the usage of the library. These include:


The IC Imaging Control C++ Class Library's API is declared in the ic4 namespace.



リンク集では、IC Imaging ControlのAPIリファレンスマニュアルやサンプルプログラムへのリンクを開発言語やバージョンに合わせて掲載しています。