IC4_GRABBER Struct Reference

Represents an opened video capture device, allowing device configuration and stream setup. More...

Detailed Description

Represents an opened video capture device, allowing device configuration and stream setup.

The grabber object is the core component used when working with video capture devices.

This type is opaque, programs only use pointers of type IC4_GRABBER*.

Grabber objects are reference-counted, and created with an initial reference count of one. To share a grabber object between multiple parts of a program, create a new reference by calling ic4_grabber_ref(). When a reference is no longer required, call ic4_grabber_unref().

If the grabber object's internal reference count reaches zero, the grabber object is destroyed.

Some object references, e.g. IC4_IMAGE_BUFFER, can keep the device and/or driver opened as long as they exist, since they point into device driver memory. To free all device-related resources, all objects references have to be released by calling their unref-function.