Category Properties

Category properties define a tree-relationship between all properties in a property map. More...


bool  ic4_prop_category_get_features (struct IC4_PROPERTY *prop, struct IC4_PROPERTY_LIST **ppFeatures)

Retrieves the list of properties in a property category.

Detailed Description

Category properties define a tree-relationship between all properties in a property map.

The root of the tree is always the category property with the name Root.

To find which properties are linked from a category, use ic4_prop_category_get_features(), which returns a IC4_PROPERTY_LIST.

Categories can contain other categories recursively. A very simple category tree might look like this:

  • Root (category)
    • AcquisitionControl (category)
      • AcquisitionStart (command)
      • AcquisitionStop (command)
      • AcquisitionFrameRate (float)
    • ImageFormatControl (category)
      • Width (integer)
      • Height (integer)

Function Documentation

◆ ic4_prop_category_get_features()

bool ic4_prop_category_get_features ( struct IC4_PROPERTY prop,
struct IC4_PROPERTY_LIST **  ppFeatures 

Retrieves the list of properties in a property category.

[in]propA category property
[in]ppFeaturesA pointer to a property list receiving the list of properties inside the category prop. When the property list is no longer required, release the object reference using ic4_proplist_unref().
true on success, otherwise false.
Use ic4_get_last_error() to query error information.
If prop is not a category property, this function returns false and the error value is set to IC4_ERROR_GENICAM_TYPE_MISMATCH.