Class ImageBufferExtensions

Contains extension methods for ImageBuffer that allow saving image buffer contents into files of various file formats.

Namespace: ic4
Assembly: ic4dotnet.dll
public static class ImageBufferExtensions

Since the members are extension methods, they can be called both explicitly and on image buffers directly, as if they were member functions.

To call it as a member function, a using directive has to exist for the ic4 namespace:

using ic4;

// (...) // Get image buffer from somewhere ImageBuffer imageBuffer = GetImageBuffer(); // Save image buffer as bitmap file imageBuffer.SaveAsbitmap("test.bmp");

Although not preferred, the function can also be called explicitly:

// Get image buffer from somewhere
ImageBuffer imageBuffer = GetImageBuffer();
// Save image buffer as bitmap file
ImageBufferExtensions.SaveAsbitmap(imageBuffer, "test.bmp");


SaveAsBitmap(ImageBuffer, string, bool)

Saves an image buffer as a Bitmap file.

public static void SaveAsBitmap(this ImageBuffer buffer, string filename, bool storeBayerRawDataAsMonochrome = false)
Type Name Description
ImageBuffer buffer

An image buffer

string filename

Path of the image file

bool storeBayerRawDataAsMonochrome

If true, and the image buffer's pixel format is a bayer format, interpret the pixel data as monochrome and store the raw data as a monochrome image.


Depending on the pixel format of the image buffer, a transformation is applied before saving the image:

  • Monochrome pixel formats are converted to Mono8 and stored as a 8-bit monochrome bitmap file.
  • Bayer, RGB and YUV pixel formats are converted to BGR8 and stored as a 24-bit color bitmap file.
Type Condition

buffer is null, or filename is null


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.

SaveAsJpeg(ImageBuffer, string, int)

Saves an image buffer as a Jpeg file

public static void SaveAsJpeg(this ImageBuffer buffer, string filename, int qualityPercent = 75)
Type Name Description
ImageBuffer buffer

An image buffer

string filename

Path of the image file

int qualityPercent

Specifies the Jpeg image quality in percent.

High quality images will take more disk space, low quality images are smaller.


Depending on the pixel format of the image buffer, a transformation is applied before saving the image:

  • Monochrome pixel formats are converted to Mono8 and stored as a monochrome Jpeg file.
  • Bayer, RGB and YUV pixel formats are converted to BGR8 stored as a color Jpeg file.
Type Condition

buffer is null, or filename is null


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.

SaveAsPng(ImageBuffer, string, bool, PngCompressionLevel)

Saves an image buffer as a PNG file.

public static void SaveAsPng(this ImageBuffer buffer, string filename, bool storeBayerRawDataAsMonochrome = false, PngCompressionLevel compressionLevel = PngCompressionLevel.Auto)
Type Name Description
ImageBuffer buffer

An image buffer

string filename

Path of the image file

bool storeBayerRawDataAsMonochrome

If true, and the image buffer's pixel format is a bayer format, interpret the pixel data as monochrome and store the raw data as a monochrome image.

PngCompressionLevel compressionLevel

Specifies the PNG compression level.


Depending on the pixel format of the image buffer, a transformation is applied before saving the image:

  • Monochrome pixel formats with a bit depth higher than 8bpp are converted to Mono16 and stored as a monochrome PNG file with 16 bits per channel.
  • Mono8 image buffers are stored as a monochrome PNG file with 8 bits per channel.
  • Bayer format with a bit depth higher than 8bpp are converted to BGRa16 and stored as a 4-channel PNG with 16 bits per channel.
  • 8-bit Bayer, RGB and YUV pixel formats are converted to BGR8 stored as a 3-channel PNG file with 8 bits per channel.
Type Condition

buffer is null, or filename is null


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.

SaveAsTiff(ImageBuffer, string, bool)

Saves an image buffer as a Tiff file.

public static void SaveAsTiff(this ImageBuffer buffer, string filename, bool storeBayerRawDataAsMonochrome = false)
Type Name Description
ImageBuffer buffer

An image buffer

string filename

Path of the image file

bool storeBayerRawDataAsMonochrome

If true, and the image buffer's pixel format is a bayer format, interpret the pixel data as monochrome and store the raw data as a monochrome image.


Depending on the pixel format of the image buffer, a transformation is applied before saving the image:

  • Monochrome pixel formats with a bit depth higher than 8bpp are converted to Mono16 and stored as a monochrome Tiff file with 16 bits per channel.
  • Mono8 image buffers are stored as a monochrome Tiff file with 8 bits per channel.
  • Bayer formats with a bit depth higher than 8bpp are converted to BGRa16 and stored as a 4-channel Tiff file with 16 bits per channel.
  • 8-bit Bayer, RGB and YUV pixel formats are converted to BGR8 stored as a 3-channel Tiff file with 8 bits per channel.
Type Condition

buffer is null, or filename is null


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.