Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Program Examples » Gasket Inspection

Gasket Inspection


The task is to measure a distance between centers of gasket holes.


An image containing a gasket. The position of the gasket is variable.


Calculated distance between two pairs of holes.


Location of object is variable, therefore in the first step of an algorithm the LocateSingleObject_Edges1 filter should be used. Then its outObject.Alignment output can be used as a reference CoordinateSystem2D to subsequent filters. Centers of holes can be found using the FitCircleToEdges filters. Centers of the holes which are not closed can be found using the FitArcToEdges.

接続のラベル付けについては こちらを参照ください。

Solution (AVS)

  1. In Workspace Explorer open workspace Examples and in Film strip window select Gasket dataset. Drag the Image channel to the ACQUIRE section.
  2. To find location of the gasket add the LocateSingleObject_Edges1 filter.
    • Click the "..." button at the inEdgeModel input to open the GUI for creating template matching models.
    • Select the template region which should contain characteristic edges of the object, but should be not too big.
    • Mark the SearchRegion, which is an area of possible object centers. Please note that, as in the case of the inEdgeModel the smaller the SearchRegion, results in the shorter execution time.
  3. Add two FitCircleToEdges filters. Connect to them an input image and the outObject.Alignment from the LocateSingleObject_Edges1 filter.
    • Click the "..." button at the inFittingField input and set the fitting field.
  4. Add the PointToPointDistance filter and connect to it the outCircle.Center from the both FitCircleToEdges filters.
  5. Add two FitArcToEdges filters. Connect to them an input image and the outObject.Alignment from the LocateSingleObject_Edges1 filter.
    • Click the "..." button at the inFittingField input and set the fitting field.
  6. Add the PointToPointDistance filter and connect to it the outArc.Center from both FitArcToEdges filters.

マクロフィルタ メイン


アイコン 名前 説明
PointToPointDistance Measures the distance between two points.
LocateSingleObject_Edges1 輪郭がシャープで硬い物体の検出。 多くの場合、プログラムの最初のフィルターの 1 つです。
FitArcToEdges Precise detection of an arciform edge, whose rough location is known beforehand.
FitCircleToEdges Precise detection of a circular object or hole, whose rough location is known beforehand.


  • Shape Fitting - シェイプ フィッティング テクニックの使用法を紹介します。
  • Template Matching - テンプレート マッチング テクニックの最も詳細な説明をしています。