Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Filter Groups » Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter



Gets single parameters

Filters in this group

Icon Name Description
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_Bool Get the value of a bool parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_Int Get the value of an int parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_Double Gets the value of a double parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_String Gets the value of a string parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_BoolOrNil Get the value of a bool parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_IntOrNil Gets the value of an int parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_DoubleOrNil Gets the value of a double parameter.
Ensenso_GetGlobalParameter_StringOrNil Gets the value of a string parameter.