Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Filter Groups » GenICam_GrabImage



Captures frame stream from general camera using GenICam GenTL provider library.

Filters in this group

Icon Name Description
GenICam_GrabImage Captures an image stream from a camera using a GenICam GenTL provider library.

The most recommended filter for working with GenTL-compatible devices.

GenICam_GrabImage_WithTimeout Captures an image stream from a camera using a GenICam GenTL provider library; returns Nil if no frame comes in the specified time.

Use this filter if the trigger may be not coming for some time, while the application should perform other operations in the main loop continuously, or when the timeout situation must be explicitly detected, or when you want to process images from multiple cameras in a single loop and the cameras are sending images asynchronously.

GenICam_GrabMultiPartImage Captures a multi-part image stream from a camera using a GenICam GenTL provider library.

Allows to receive multi-part video stream (with multiple images per frame) from special GenICam cameras, like separated color components in planar color formats, or separate depth, confidence and luminosity images in 3D cameras.