Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Filter Groups » GigEVision_SetParameter



Sets parameter into GigEVision device.

Filters in this group

Icon Name Description
GigEVision_SetRealParameter Sets parameter of type Real into GigEVision device.
GigEVision_SetDoubleParameter Sets parameter of type Double into GigEVision device.
GigEVision_SetIntegerParameter Sets parameter of type Integer into GigEVision device.
GigEVision_SetLongParameter Sets parameter of type Long into GigEVision device.
GigEVision_SetBoolParameter Sets parameter of type Bool into GigEVision device.
GigEVision_SetEnumParameter Sets parameter of type Enumeration into GigEVision device.
GigEVision_SetStringParameter Sets parameter of type String into GigEVision device.