Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Filter Groups » Primitive3DToPrimitive2D_AxesPlane



Projects a 3D primitive onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.

Filters in this group

Icon Name Description
Point3DToPoint2D_AxesPlane Projects a 3D point onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Segment3DToSegment2D_AxesPlane Projects a 3D segment onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Line3DToLine2D_AxesPlane Projects a 3D line onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Circle3DToCircle2D_AxesPlane Projects a 3D circle onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Box3DToBox2D_AxesPlane Projects a 3D box onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Vector3DToVector2D_AxesPlane Projects a 3D vector onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Points3DToPoints2D_AxesPlane Projects an array of 3D points onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.
Segments3DToSegments2D_AxesPlane Projects an array of 3D segments onto a plane defined by coordinate axes.