Start » Filter Reference » OpenCV » Camera Calibration And 3D Reconstruction » cvFindCirclesGrid


Module: OpenCV

Finds the centers in the grid of circles.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inImage Image Input image
Input value
inPatternWidth Integer 0 - Pattern width.
Input value
inPatternHeight Integer 0 - Pattern height.
Input value
inSymmetricPattern Bool Specifies whether the pattern is symmetric, ignored when using clustering.
Input value
inUseClustering Bool Specifies whether to use a clustering algorithm.
Output value
outFound Bool It is true if circles grid was found, false otherwise.
Output value
outCenters Point2DArray Centers of found circles.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty image in cvFindCirclesGrid.
DomainError inImage must have pixels of UInt8 type in cvFindCirclesGrid.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.