Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 2D » Geometry 2D Angle Metrics » AngleBetweenThreePoints


Module: FoundationLite

Measures the angle defined by three consecutive points.

Name Type Description
Input value
inPoint1 Point2D A point on one arm of an angle
Input value
inPoint2 Point2D The middle point
Input value
inPoint3 Point2D A point on another arm of the angle
Input value
inRotationDirection RotationDirection Chooses one of two ways of measuring the angle
Output value
outAbsoluteAngle Real Angle value used for measurements <0; 360>
Output value
outDirectedAngle Real Angle value used for clockwise transformations <-360; 360>
Output value
outArc Arc2D Angle visualization object


Note that because of inaccuracies of floating-point arithmetic, some geometric operations (including this one) may lead to unpredictable results for degenerated cases. In this filter such a case occurs when some two of the input points are almost equal.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.