Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 2D » Geometry 2D Features » SegmentOrientation


Module: FoundationLite

Computes the orientation of a segment.

Name Type Description
Input value
inSegment Segment2D
Input value
inAngleRange AngleRange Switches between 0-90, 0-180 or 0-360 degrees
Output value
outOrientationAngle Real


Note that because of inaccuracies of floating-point arithmetic, some geometric operations (including this one) may lead to unpredictable results for degenerated cases. In this filter such a case occurs when an empty segment is given on input.


SegmentOrientation performed on a segment with parameters: X1 = 50, Y1 = 50, X2 = 300, Y2 = 300 and inAngleRange set to _0_180.
outOrientationAngle returns 45.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.