Start » Filter Reference » Image » Image Spatial Transforms Maps » ConvertSpatialMapToMatrixMaps


Module: Calibration

Splits a spatial map into two matrices of source coordinates.

Name Type Description
Input value
inSpatialMap SpatialMap
Input value
inRoundingOpenCV Bool Use same interpolation convention as cvRemap
Output value
outMatrixX Matrix Map of real X coordinates
Output value
outMatrixY Matrix Map of real Y coordinates


This operation allows to inspect the accessed coordinates in the image being remapped.

If the input SpatialMap uses the nearest neighbor interpolation, it is not possible to recover the exact source coordinates. In that case the pixel center, or the top left corner when using inRoundingOpenCV set to True, is taken as an approximation.


For pixels in the input spatial map which are not well defined, an artificial pair of invalid coordinates, (-10, -10), is returned.

The inRoundingOpenCV parameter should be set to True if the matrices will be used with cvRemap . This ensures the results of cvRemap will be the same as of RemapImage used with the input SpatialMap.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Expert Complexity Level.

See Also

  • RemapImage – Applies a precomputed image transform, defined by a spatial map object.