Start » Filter Reference » System » Interoperability » LoadPoint3DGrid


Module: FoundationBasic

Loads entities from a file of one of available types as an array of points in 3D.

Name Type Description
Input value
inFile File
Input value
inFileFormat Point3DFileFormat
Input value
inRemoveDuplicates Bool Filter will remove duplicate points in point clouds created from STL files.
Output value
outPoint3DGrid Point3DGrid


The operation loads an grid of points from a file in one of the standard 3D file formats. Currently the filter supports the following formats:
  • STL (*.stl),
  • PLY (*.ply).
  • PCD (*.pcd).
PLY (Polygon File Format) also known as the Stanford Triangle Format is a format for storing graphical objects described as a collection of polygons. Both ASCII and binary (big-endian and little-endian) versions are supported. Please note that only vertex coordinates can be loaded. Other elements and properties are omitted.

STL (STereoLithography) is a file format commonly used in the stereolithography CAD software. Only binary STL is supported.

PCD (Point Cloud Data) is a file format for storing point cloud data.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Dimensions x, y and z should have 1 element.
DomainError Invalid point dimensions in the PCD file - no x, y, z coordinates.
DomainError Unknown file format in LoadPoint3DGrid.
IoError An error occurred when mapping the PCD file.
IoError An error occurred when unmapping the PCD file.
IoError Error during reading compressed binary file.
IoError Error during searching for the data section.
IoError Inconsistent dimensions in PCD file.
IoError Inconsistent number of parameters in PCD file.
IoError Inconsistent point definition in PCD file.
IoError Loading Point3DGrid failed. Too many vertex properties.
IoError Size of decompressed data does not match with the size stored in the header of PCD file.
IoError The PCD file is corrupted. The file is is smaller than expected.
IoError Too few elements in a header entry.
IoError Too large data type of vertices.
IoError Too large height.
IoError Too large width.
IoError Too many elements of dimension.
IoError Too many points in PCD file.
IoError Unable to read PCD file.
IoError Unknown data type in PCD file
IoError Unrecognized vertex type.
IoError Wrong order of header entries in the PCD file.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. End of header not found.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid element definition.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid file signature.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid format definition.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid vertex data.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid vertex definition.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid vertex property definition.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Invalid vertex property type.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. No vertices found.
IoError Wrong PLY file format. Unrecognized data encoding.
IoError Wrong type signature in PCD file.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.