Start » Filter Reference » OpenCV » Motion Analysis and Object Tracking » cvKalmanFilter


Module: OpenCV

Standard Kalman filter.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inDynamParams Integer 1 - Dimensionality of the state.
Input value
inMeasureParams Integer 1 - Dimensionality of the measurement.
Input value
inControlParams Integer 0 - Dimensionality of the control vector
Input value
inReset Bool When true, filter is reinitialized.
Input value
inPredict Bool When true, filter computes predicted state.
Input value
inCorrect Bool When true, filter updates predicted state from measurement.
Input value
inControl Matrix Control vector
Input value
inMeasurement Matrix Value to be used for correction.
Input value
inTransitionMatrix Matrix
Input value
inPreState Matrix
Output value
outState Matrix Set when inCorrect is true
Output value
outPrediction Matrix Set when inPredict is true


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError inControl must be a matrix of size 1 x inControlParams in cvKalmanFilter.
DomainError inMeasurement must be a matrix of size 1 x inMeasureParams in cvKalmanFilter.
DomainError inPreState must be a matrix of size 1 x inDynamParams in cvKalmanFilter.
DomainError inTransitionMatrix must be a matrix of size inDynamParams x inDynamParams in cvKalmanFilter.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.