Start » Filter Reference » System » Process » Execute_StartOnly


Module: FoundationLite

Executes a system command and returns immediately.

Name Type Description
Input value
inCommand File System command to be executed.
Input value
inArguments StringArray Arguments for the command.
Input value
inWorkingDirectory Directory Working directory in which the command will be executed.


Filter executes a command provided in inCommand with inArguments arguments. The command will be executed in a directory provided in inWorkingDirectory.

Program execution is not blocked: filter does not wait for command completion.


Description of usage of this filter can be found in examples and tutorial: Starting Notepad with Execute filter, Turning computer off using Execute.

Example below shows how to run Notepad using Execute_StartOnly filter.


Usage of this filter is not recommended in AVL.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Aurora Vision Studio Professional version.

Filter Group

This filter is member of Execute filter group.