Start » Filter Reference » Profile » Profile Local Transforms » DifferentiateProfile


Module: FoundationPro

Computes the derivative of a profile.

Name Type Description
Input value
inProfile Profile Input profile
Input value
inCyclic Bool Defines whether to compute differences between first and last elements
Input value
inDifferentiationMethod DifferentiationMethod
Output value
outDerivative Profile


Computes finite difference of profile using forward, backward or central difference method. If inCyclic is False then depending of chosen difference method values for first or last element of inProfile is undefined and thus outermost values are doubled when necessary.

For instance, in forward difference method, last element of derivative profile is always zero. In backward difference method, first element is always zero.


On the left DifferentiateProfile with inCyclic = False, inDifferentiationMethod = Forward performed on profile being shown on the right.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.