Start » Filter Reference » Computer Vision » Template Matching » MergeMultipleLocationResults


Module: MatchingBasic

Combines results from multiple LocateMultipleObject instances.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inObjects1 Object2DArray
Input value
inObjects2 Object2DArray
Input value
inObjects3 Object2DArray
Input value
inObjects4 Object2DArray
Input value
inMinDistance Real 0.0 -
Input value
inMinScore Real -1.0 - 1.0
Output value
outObjects Object2DArray
Output value
outIndices IntegerArray


Filter selects the best matching object from the given matching objects.

This filter is especially useful for finding big objects by using smaller template models instead of the large model.

This filter will return a valid object location even if object is partially covered.


Object location found based on two matching objects(red and green).


Each template matching object which is used in filter must have set this same reference frame.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Expert Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of MergeLocationResults filter group.

See Also