Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Tutorial Exercises » Conditions in Formulas (conjunction)

Conditions in Formulas (conjunction)


Create an algorithm that checks if the input image contains a certain set of objects.

Inspection should pass in three cases:

  • There is a mount and two bolts in the image or
  • there is a mount and a single washer or
  • there is a mount and a single washer and two bolts.


The set of images with different objects.

Images are stored in conjunction directory.


Result of inspection drawn on the input image.


Use Edge-based Template Matching to find particular types of objects.

Use Formula to analyze the results of Template Matching.

Labeling connections is explained in this article.

Solution (AVS)

  1. Add EnumerateImages filter to ACQUIRE section to obtain images from a directory.

  2. Add two LocateSingleObject_Edges1 filters and one LocateMultipleObjects_Edges1 filter (for bolts) to PROCESS section and create models as shown in the images below:

    • The model of a washer:

    • The model of a mount:

    • The model of a bolt:

  3. In all these filters set inMinScore to 0.9. Also set inMinPyramidLevel to 2. In the filter responsible for finding bolts, set inMinDistance to 50.

  4. Add a new formula to the project and create three inputs: inMountMatch, inWasherMatch and inBoltsMatch from consecutive outputs of the previous filters.

  5. Create the output outStatus with formula:

    outStatus = inMountMatch <> Nil and (inWasher <> Nil or inBoltsMatch.Length == 2)

  6. Create the output outMessage with formula:

    outMessage = outStatus ? "PASS" : "FAIL"

  7. Draw the message in the input image using DrawStrings_MultiColor filter. Connect outImage with inImage, outStatus and outMessage from the previous filter with inColorIds and inStrings respectively.

Additional Tasks

  • Create the equivalent of the formula using blocks.

  • Make the condition more strict to pass only if two bolts are present and a washer is not present. Or, if a washer is present and no bolts are present. Tip: it is enough to change a single operator to provide this functionality.


  • 数式 - Detailed information about using formulas.
  • Template Matching - Most detailed description of the Template Matching technique.