

Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:

Image Buffers Image data is passed around in image buffer objects (IC4_IMAGE_BUFFER)
Device Enumeration This section describes how to enumerate and query information from connected video capture devices
Display The display functions provide an easy and fast way to display images
Error Handling This section describes error handling in this library
Grabber Represents an opened video capture device, allowing device configuration and stream setup
Core Library Functions
Properties Functions used to query, read or change properties of a component, usually the video capture device
  Property Map Represents the property interface of a component, usually a video capture device
Property Objects Represents a property of a component, usually of a video capture device
  Category Properties Category properties define a tree-relationship between all properties in a property map
Command Properties Command properties represent an action that can be performed by the device
Integer Properties Integer properties represent a feature whose value is an integer number
Float Properties Float properties represent a feature whose value is a floating-point number
Boolean Properties Boolean properties represent a feature whose value is a simple on/off switch
String Properties String properties represent features whole value is a text
Enumeration Properties Enumeration properties represent a feature whose value is selected from a list of named entries
Register Properties Register properties have a value represented by raw bytes
Property Lists Property lists represent groups of properties
Property Identifiers A lot of common property identifiers are described here
Saving Images A collection of functions to store image buffers as in various types of images files
Sinks Sink objects provide programmatic access to the image data acquired from video capture devices
  Queue Sink The queue sink is a sink implementation that allows a program to process all images received from a video capture device
Snap Sink The snap sink is a sink implementation that allows a program to capture single images or sequences of images on demand, while still having a display showing all images
Video Writer Video writers allow compressing and saving images into video files
Graphical User Interface Functions Contains functions providing a basic graphical user interface for common tasks