Class SnapSink

The snap sink is a sink implementation that allows a program to capture single images or sequences of images on demand,while still having a display showing all images.




Namespace: ic4
Assembly: ic4dotnet.dll
public class SnapSink : Sink, IDisposable

To create a snap sink, use SnapSink(IEnumerable<PixelFormat>, SnapSinkAllocationStrategy, IBufferAllocator).

Pass the sink to StreamSetup(Sink, IDisplay, StreamSetupOption) or StreamSetup(Sink, StreamSetupOption) to feed images into the sink.

To grab a single image out of the stream, call SnapSingle(TimeSpan). To grab a sequence of images, call SnapSequence(int, TimeSpan).

The snap sink manages the buffers used for background image aquisition as well as for the grabbed images. During stream setup, a number of buffers is allocated depending on the configured allocation strategy. Additional buffers can be automatically created on demand, if the allocation strategy allows. Likewise, if there is a surplus of unused image buffers, unused buffers are reclaimed and released automatically.

Image buffers that were returned by one of the snap functions are owned by their respective caller through the reference to the ImageBuffer. To return the image buffer to the sink for reuse, call Dispose() on the image buffer.

Please note that if there are no buffers available in the sink when the device tries to deliver a frame, the frame will be dropped. Use StreamStatistics to find out whether a buffer underrun occurred.

By default, the sink uses buffers provided by the device driver or the implicitly created transformation filter. It is possible to use program-defined buffers be used by providing a IBufferAllocator to the sink constructor.


SnapSink(IEnumerable<PixelFormat>, SnapSinkAllocationStrategy, IBufferAllocator)

Creates a new snap sink.


public SnapSink(IEnumerable<PixelFormat> acceptedPixelFormats = null, SnapSinkAllocationStrategy strategy = null, IBufferAllocator customAllocator = null)


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<PixelFormat> acceptedPixelFormats

An optional list of pixel formats that restrict the input to this sink.

This can be used to force an automatic conversion from the device's pixel format to a pixel format usable by the sink.

SnapSinkAllocationStrategy strategy

An optional buffer allocation strategy for the sink.

If this is null, a default allocation strategy is used.

IBufferAllocator customAllocator

An optional custom buffer allocator


Type Condition

The buffer allocation strategy is invalid.


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.

SnapSink(PixelFormat, SnapSinkAllocationStrategy, IBufferAllocator)

Creates a new snap sink.


public SnapSink(PixelFormat acceptedPixelFormat, SnapSinkAllocationStrategy strategy = null, IBufferAllocator customAllocator = null)


Type Name Description
PixelFormat acceptedPixelFormat

A pixel format that restricts the input to this sink.

This can be used to force an automatic conversion from the device's pixel format to a pixel format usable by the sink.

SnapSinkAllocationStrategy strategy

An optional buffer allocation strategy for the sink.

If this is null, a default allocation strategy is used.

IBufferAllocator customAllocator

An optional custom buffer allocator


Type Condition

The buffer allocation strategy is invalid.


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.



The image type of the images the sink is configured to receive


public ImageType OutputImageType { get; }
Property Value
Type Description

The image type of the images the sink is configured to receive


Type Condition

Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.


The type of the sink.

For snap sinks, this always is SnapSink.


public override SinkType Type { get; }
Property Value
Type Description

The type of the sink.



SnapSequence(int, TimeSpan)

Grabs a sequence of images out of the video stream received from the video capture device.


public IReadOnlyList<ImageBuffer> SnapSequence(int count, TimeSpan timeout)


Type Name Description
int count

Number of images to grab

TimeSpan timeout

Time to wait for all images to arrive


Type Description

The list of grabbed images.

If the timeout expires, the returned list contains the images grabbed until then.


This operation is only valid while the sink is connected to a device in a data stream.

After a successfull call, the program owns the image buffers through the ImageBuffer references. The image buffer objects must be disposed to put the image buffer into the sink's free queue for later reuse.

If the image buffer objects are not disposed, their finalizer will also return the image buffers to the sink. However, it is recommended to always manually dispose the image buffers for deterministic behavior.


Type Condition

No images were received before the timeout elapsed.


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.


Grabs a single image out of the video stream received from the video capture device.


public ImageBuffer SnapSingle(TimeSpan timeout)


Type Name Description
TimeSpan timeout

Time to wait for a new image to arrive


Type Description

A filled image buffer


This operation is only valid while the sink is connected to a device in a data stream.

After a successfull call, the program owns the image buffer through the ImageBuffer reference. The image buffer object must be disposed to put the image buffer into the sink's free queue for later reuse.

If the image buffer object is not disposed, their finalizer will also return the image buffer to the sink. However, it is recommended to always manually dispose the image buffer for deterministic behavior.


Type Condition

No image was received before the timeout elapsed.


Check ErrorCode and ToString() for details.

TrySnapSingle(out ImageBuffer, TimeSpan)

Tries to grab a single image out of the video stream received from the video capture device.

In contrast to SnapSingle(TimeSpan), this function does not throw an exception in case of an error.


public bool TrySnapSingle(out ImageBuffer buffer, TimeSpan timeout)


Type Name Description
ImageBuffer buffer

Output parameter receiving the grabber image buffer

TimeSpan timeout

Time to wait for a new image to arrive


Type Description

true, if a buffer was grabbed successfully, otherwise false.


This operation is only valid while the sink is connected to a device in a data stream.

After a successfull call, the program owns the image buffer through the ImageBuffer reference. The image buffer object must be disposed to put the image buffer into the sink's free queue for later reuse.

If the image buffer object is not disposed, their finalizer will also return the image buffer to the sink. However, it is recommended to always manually dispose the image buffer for deterministic behavior.
