
The IC Imaging Control 4 .NET Class Library is separated into multiple assemblies to limit dependencies and support scenarios where certain other libraries (e.g. System.Windows.Forms or System.Drawing) are not available.

Core Assembly

The core assembly ic4dotnet.dll contains all the main device-related functionality of IC Imaing Control 4.

Notable classes are:

Additional Assemblies

The ic4dotnet.System.Windows.Forms assembly provides Windows Forms integration:

The ic4dotnet.System.Drawing assembly contains extension methods on ImageBuffer for interop with System.Drawing classes:

ic4dotnet.System.Windows.Media contains similar functionality for integration with System.Windows.Media classes:

The ic4dotnet.OpenCvSharp assembly allows easy integration of the open-source OpenCvSharp library into IC Imaging Control 4 programs:

  • CreateOpenCvCopy creates a new OpenCvSharp.Mat object containing a copy of the image data from an ImageBuffer.
  • CreateOpenCvWrap creates a OpenCvSharp.Mat object that uses the memory of an ImageBuffer. The image buffer's memory can then be used directly as source and/or destination for OpenCV operations.