Start » Filter Reference » System » Binary Data » WriteBoolToBuffer


Module: FoundationLite

Converts boolean value into specified integer binary representation and writes it to a byte buffer.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inBuffer ByteBuffer Initial buffer to be expanded
Input value
inOffset Integer* 0 - Write destination position
Input value
inValue Bool Value to be written
Input value
inFormat IntegerBinaryFormat Binary serialization format of integer data
Input value
inTrueValue Integer Integer value representing True
Input value
inFalseValue Integer Integer value representing False
Output value
outBuffer ByteBuffer Resulting data


This filter is intended for generating a raw binary data in the ByteBuffer by writing a properly serialized boolean value into it.

Resulting ByteBuffer data on the outBuffer output is created by expanding data from buffer on the inBuffer input. Data is written starting at the position specified by the inOffset input (in bytes). When written data spans beyond the end of the input buffer the resulting buffer length is expanded (event when inOffset points beyond the end of the input buffer). When the inOffset input is set to Auto data is written at the end of the input buffer.

A boolean value is actually stored as an integer data with contractual numeric value representing True and False. This values can be set respectively on the inTrueValue and inFalseValue inputs. Usually a value of zero is used to represent False, and a value different that zero (most commonly 1 or -1) to represent True. This value is than stored like in the WriteIntegerToBuffer filter.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Input value is out of the valid range for specified integer binary format.
Value provided on inValue input cannot be cast to the type specified by the inFormat input.
DomainError Not supported integer binary format.
IoError Resulting byte buffer size is too large.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of WriteToBuffer filter group.

See Also