Start » Filter Reference » OpenCV » Camera Calibration And 3D Reconstruction » cvStereoCalibrate


Module: OpenCV

Performs stereo calibration of two cameras.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inObjectPoints Point3DArrayArray Input object points array
Input value
inImagePoints1 Point2DArrayArray Input image points observed by the first camera.
Input value
inImagePoints2 Point2DArrayArray Input image points observed by the second camera.
Input value
inImageWidth Integer 1 - + Width of image
Input value
inImageHeight Integer 1 - + Height of image
Input value
inPrecisionEpsilon Real* Criteria of termination of the iterative optimization. Process stops when either after inMaxIterations iterations or when the corner position moves by less than inPrecisionEpsilon.
Input value
inMaxIterations Integer* Criteria of termination of the iterative optimization. Process stops when either after inMaxIterations iterations or when the corner position moves by less than inPrecisionEpsilon.
Input value
inInitialCameraMatrix1 Matrix* Initial first camera matrix, requires inInitialCameraMatrix2.
Input value
inInitialCameraMatrix2 Matrix* Initial second camera matrix, requires inInitialCameraMatrix1.
Input value
inInitialDistCoeffs1 Matrix* Initial first camera distortion coefficients, see inFixIntrinsic.
Input value
inInitialDistCoeffs2 Matrix* Initial second camera distortion coefficients, see inFixIntrinsic.
Input value
inFixIntrinsic Bool Fix cameraMatrix and distCoeffs to initial values, so that only R, T, E , and F matrices are estimated.
Input value
inFixPrincipalPoint Bool The principal point is not changed during the global optimization. It stays at the center or at a different location specified in inInitialCameraMatrix1/2.
Input value
inFixFocalLength Bool Fix f_x and f_y for both cameras.
Input value
inFixAspectRatio Bool Consider only fy as a free parameter. The ratio fx/fy stays the same as in inInitialCameraMatrix1/2.
Input value
inSameFocalLength Bool Enforce f_x(1)=f_x(2) and f_y(1)=f_y(2) - same focal lengths for both cameras.
Input value
inZeroTangentDist Bool Tangential distortion coefficients (p_1, p_2) are set to zeros and stay zero.
Input value
inRationalModel Bool Enable additional distortion coefficients (k_4, k_5, k_6).
Output value
outCameraMatrix1 Matrix Matrix with part of intrinsic parameters of first camera.
Output value
outDistCoeffs1 Matrix Coefficients of distortion of first camera.
Output value
outCameraMatrix2 Matrix Matrix with part of intrinsic parameters of second camera.
Output value
outDistCoeffs2 Matrix Coefficients of distortion of second camera.
Output value
outR Matrix Output rotation matrix between the first and second camera coordinate systems.
Output value
outT Matrix Output translation vector between the coordinate systems of the cameras.
Output value
outE Matrix Output essential matrix.
Output value
outF Matrix Output fundamental matrix.
Output value
outError Real Final re-projection error value


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Inconsistent sizes of inImagePoints1, inImagePoints2 and inObjectPoints in cvStereoCalibrate.
DomainError Initial camera matrices not specified with inFixIntrinsic.
DomainError Initial distortion coefficients matrices not specified with inFixIntrinsic.
DomainError Missing inObjectPoints in cvStereoCalibrate.
DomainError Only one initial camera matrix given. Either both or neither initial camera matrices should be specified in cvStereoCalibrate.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.