Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » Ensenso » Ensenso_GrabPoint3DGrid


Module: ThirdParty

Captures a Point3DGrid using Ensenso.

Name Type Description
Input value
inDevices EnsensoCameraInformationArray Structures identifying devices
Output value
outGrid Point3DGrid Captured Grid
Input value
inParametersFile File* Initial global parameters


Initial parameters

Initial parameters are only set during capture start. To change parameters either restart the stream, or use appropriate Set/Get filters.


To obtain settings from the camera:

  • From NxView Parameters window
    • Launch NxView
    • Open camera
    • Open Parameters window (menu Capture->Parameters...)
    • Adjust settings as wanted
    • Use Save... button
  • From NxTreeEdit application
    • Either:
      • Launch Aurora Vision Studio, add Ensenso_GrabPoint3DGrid filter, Run it
      • Launch NxView, open camera
    • Launch NxTreeEdit, connect to wanted instance
    • Adjust settings as wanted, either in NxView or NxTreeEdit
    • right click on /Cameras/BySerialNo/WantedSerialNumber and select Copy value as JSON string
    • save to a simple text file using an editor

The settings include all camera parameters, including Link, Calibration and Parameters The saved file can be then used in inCalibrationFile and inSettingsFile arguments.

To obtain global parameters, follow previous NxTreeEdit step, but save the global /Parameters node.

Camera identification

When there is only one Ensenso camera connected, the field inDevices can be set to Auto. In this situation, the first available camera will be used.

inDevices can be used to pick one or many of multiple cameras connected to the computer.

Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with cameras using their vendor's SDK. In order to connect with the camera, it is required to install Ensenso SDK software, and uEye driver (same as in IDS camera filters)

Ensenso SDK can be downloaded from the following website:

uEye driver can be downloaded from the following website:

Recommended Ensenso SDK version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 2.2 and uEye driver 4.90.

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Aurora Vision Studio Professional version.

Filter Group

This filter is member of Ensenso_GrabPoint3DGrid filter group.

See Also