Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 2D » Geometry 2D Angle Metrics » AngleBetweenDirections


Module: FoundationLite

Measures the rotation angle from first to second direction.

Name Type Description
Input value
inDirection1 Real Start direction
Input value
inDirection2 Real Target direction
Input value
inRotationDirection RotationDirection* Clockwise, counter-clockwise or automatic (by smaller angle)
Input value
inAngleRange AngleRange Switches between ranges <0; 90), <0; 180) and <0; 360)
Output value
outAbsoluteAngle Real Angle value used for measurements <0; 360>
Output value
outDirectedAngle Real Angle value used for clockwise transformations <-360; 360>


Direction is a number in the range of <0, 180) or <0, 360). This is controlled with the inAngleRange input. The angle is computed from first to second direction clockwise or counter-clockwise. If the rotation direction is not specified, chosen is the one that produces smaller absolute angle.


Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also

  • AngleBetweenSegments – Measures the angle between two segments with one of four possible metrics.