Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 2D » Geometry 2D Interpolations » LerpAngles


Module: FoundationLite

Linearly interpolates between two angles in the direction of minimum turn.

Name Type Description
Input value
inAngle0 Real
Input value
inAngle1 Real
Input value
inRotationDirection RotationDirection* Clockwise, counter-clockwise or auto
Input value
inAngleRange AngleRange
Input value
inLambda Real Interpolation between the input angles where 0.0 value is equal to inAngle0 and 1.0 to inAngle1
Input value
inInverse Bool
Output value
outAngle Real


LerpAngles performed on red inAngle0 = 15 and blue inAngle1 = 135 with inLambda = 0,25 and inAngleRange = 0-360. Green is the resulting outAngle.

LerpAngles performed on red inAngle0 = 15 and blue inAngle1 = 135 with inLambda = -1,0 and inAngleRange = 0-360. Green is the resulting outAngle.


Please note that:
  • interpolation begins at inAngle0,
  • for positive inLambda values interpolation is performed in the direction given in the inRotationDirection parameter while for negative - in the inverted direction.
Hence when inLambda = 0,0, outAngle is equal to inAngle0, while for inLambda = 1,0 it's the same as inAngle1 and for inLambda = -1,0 - as (inAngle0 - inAngle1). Other inLambda values interpolate between the input angles and beyond.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.