Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 3D » Geometry 3D Spatial Transforms » ResizeBox3D


Module: Vision3DLite

Changes the dimensions of a box in 3D.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inBox3D Box3D Input box in 3D
Input value
inAnchor Anchor3D Point of the box in 3D which position will not change
Input value
inNewXLength Real* 0.0 - Target length of the box in x-coordinate
Input value
inNewYLength Real* 0.0 - Target length of the box in y-coordinate
Input value
inNewZLength Real* 0.0 - Target length of the box in z-coordinate
Output value
outBox3D Box3D Resized box

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of ResizeBox3D filter group.