Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » IDS » IDS_CaptureStatus


Module: ThirdParty

The function returns information on errors that occurred during an image capture. All errors are listed that occurred since the last reset of the function.

Name Type Description
Input value
inDeviceID String* Device serial number or user definable camera ID
Input value
inReset Bool Resets the CaptureStatus information
Output value
outNumberOfErrors Integer Total number of errors
Output value
outNoDestMem Integer There is no destination memory for copying the finished image.
Output value
outConversionFailed Integer The current image could not be processed correctly.
Output value
outImageLocked Integer The destination buffers are locked and could not be written to.
Output value
outOutOfBuffers Integer No free internal image memory is available to the driver. The image was discarded.
Output value
outDeviceNotReady Integer The camera is no longer available. It is not possible to access images that have already been transferred.
Output value
outUsbTransferFailed Integer The image was not transferred over the USB bus.
Output value
outDevTimeout Integer The maximum allowable time for image capturing in the camera was exceeded.
Output value
outEthBufferOverrun Integer The sensor transfers more data than the internal camera memory of the GigE uEye camera can accommodate.
Output value
outEthDevMissedImages Integer Freerun mode: The camera could neither process nor output an image captured by the sensor. Hardware trigger mode : The camera received a hardware trigger signal which could not be processed because the sensor was still busy.
Output value
outFrameCaptureFailed Integer USB 3 uEye CP Rev. 2 with activated image memory only: The image was not transferred.

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Aurora Vision Studio Professional version.