Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » IDS » IDS_StartAcquisition


Module: ThirdParty

Initialize2s and starts image acquisition in a camera.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inDeviceID String* Device serial number or user definable camera ID
Input value
inPixelFormat String Pixel format. Supported values: Raw8, Mono8, Rgb8, Bgr8, Rgba8, Bgra8
Input value
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - Capacity of input frames queue
Input value
inAutoReconnect Bool Automatically reconnect with the camera
Input value
inTriggerMode IDSTriggerMode* Camera trigger mode
Input value
inAoi Box* Required fragment of image to stream
Input value
inFrameRate Real* 0.1 - 400.0 Frame rate
Input value
inExposureTime Real* 0.0 - Exposure time in microseconds
Input value
inHorizontalBinning IDSBinning* Horizontal binning
Input value
inVerticalBinning IDSBinning* Vertical binning
Input value
inMirror IDSMirror* Mirror effect
Input value
inAutoBlackLevel Bool* Enable auto black level
Input value
inBlackLevelOffset Integer* 0 - Black level offset
Input value
inGamma Integer* 1 - 1000 Set gamma value
Input value
inGainBoost Bool* Set gain boost mode
Input value
inGainMaster Integer* 0 - 100 Set gain master value
Input value
inGainRed Integer* 0 - 100 Set gain red value
Input value
inGainGreen Integer* 0 - 100 Set gain green value
Input value
inGainBlue Integer* 0 - 100 Set gain blue value


Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with cameras using their vendor's SDK. In order to connect with the camera, it is required to install IDS SDK software.

IDS SDK can be downloaded from the following website:

To verify the driver installation, you can run IDS Camera Manager. If the camera was detected and you can see the view from the camera, you can use IDS SDK in Aurora Vision Studio.

Recommended IDS SDK version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 4.94.

Camera identification

When there is only one IDS camera connected, the field inDeviceID can be set to Auto. In this situation, the first available camera will be used.

inDeviceID can be used to pick one of multiple cameras connected to the computer. inDeviceID should be set to camera ID.

Source code

In Professional edition this filter is open source. You can use this filter as reference when implementing support for your specific hardware. You can also modify this filter and add some additional functionality.

The source code is located in the directory:

Public Documents\Aurora Vision Studio 4.x Professional\Sources\UserFilters\IDS

Typically it is:

C:\Users\Public Documents\Aurora Vision Studio 4.x Professional\Sources\UserFilters\IDS 
Working with camera

If you work with USB cameras then parameter inAutoReconnect doesn't work. Camera disconnection also can't be detected. To enable these features in USB cameras please add new register key:

 DWORD DevChangeHandlerMode = 1

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also

  • IDS_ForceTrigger – Forces software-controlled captures of an image while a capturing process triggered by hardware is in progress.