Start » Filter Reference » Computer Vision » Image Analysis » CompareGoldenTemplate2


Module: FoundationPro

Compares an image with a multi-image model using an ensemble of image features approach.


Finding general object defects by analyzing brightness deviations from a template image.
Name Type Range Description
Input value
inImage Image Input image
Input value
inModel GoldenTemplate2Model
Input value
inSensitivityA Real 0.0 - Usually influences small, distinctive defects.
Input value
inSensitivityB Real 0.0 - Usually influences bigger, extensive defects.
Output value
outDefects Region


This filter compares pixels of the input images against a template created by CreateGoldenTemplate2 and creates a region containing only pixels that are different.

The filter expects the object to be positioned precisely and in the same way as object images used to construct the inModel - see CreateGoldenTemplate2.

Sensitivity of the filter can be adjusted using inSensitivityA and inSensitivityB parameters.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

See Also