Start » Filter Reference » Image » Image IO » DecodeVideo


Module: ThirdParty

Captures an image from video file with using FFmpeg library.

Name Type Description
Input value
inFilename File
Input value
inStartFrameId Long*
Output value
outImage Image Captured frame
Output value
outFrameId Long


Video decoder software

This filter is intended to convert video file to series of images using FFmpeg library. It is required to install FFmpeg software.

FFmpeg can be downloaded from the following website: Please to download "shared" version of FFmpeg.

Recommended FFmpeg version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 4.1.3.

Add DLL path to system environment variable may be required.

This filter is not able to decode all video formats supported by FFmpeg.

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.