Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » JAI » JAI_StartAcquisition


Module: ThirdParty

Initializes and starts image acquisition in a camera.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inDeviceID String* Device identifying number
Input value
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - Capacity of output frames queue
Input value
inPixelFormat EBUSPixelFormat* Image pixel format
Input value
inAoi Box* Area of interest
Input value
inAcquisitionMode EBUSAcquisitionMode* Acquisition mode
Input value
inAcquisitionFrameCount Integer* 1 - 65535 Number of frames to acquire in MultiFrame acquisition mode
Input value
inFrameRate Double* Acquisition frame rate
Input value
inExposureAuto EBUSAutoExposureMode* Automatic exposure mode
Input value
inExposureTime Double* Exposure time in us
Input value
inGainAuto EBUSAutoGainMode* Automatic gain mode
Input value
inGain Double* Gain as an absolute physical value
Input value
inTriggerSource EBUSTriggerSource* Trigger source
Input value
inTriggerActivation EBUSTriggerActivation* Trigger activation mode


Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with a camera using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect to a camera, it is required to install eBUS SDK for JAI software with camera dedicated drivers.

eBUS SDK for JAI can be downloaded from the following website:

Recommended eBUS SDK for JAI version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 6.3.0.

Add DLL path to system environment variable may be required.

Camera identification

When there is only one camera connected to a computer, field inDeviceID can be set to Auto. In this case, the first available camera will be found and connected.

inDeviceID field can be used to pick one of multiple cameras connected to the computer. DeviceID can be set to:

  • Serial Number - should be printed on the device housing.
  • Device ID - unique device identifier.
  • IP Address - network IP address of device.
  • MAC Address - MAC address of device.
Camera parameters

To change other and more advanced internal camera parameters use the "eBUS Player for JAI" tool which could be installed with the eBUS SDK for JAI.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also