Start » Filter Reference » System » Modbus TCP » ModbusTCP_Connect


Module: FoundationLite

Connects as a client to a remote Modbus server socket.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inHost String The hostname or IP address to connect to.
Input value
inPort Integer 7 - 65535 Modbus port of host to connect to. 502 is the default one.
Input value
inTimeout Integer* 500 - Timeout in milliseconds, block if not specified.
Input value
inKeepAliveTime Integer* 2000 - When specified activates Tcp/Ip keep alive on new socket with given idle time.
Output value
outSocket SocketId? Connected socket ID.


For more details please check help of TcpIp_Connect filter. The filters works in the same way.


User manual

For more informations about using this filters please follow the link: Communication with Modbus TCP devices.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Disabled in Lite Edition

This filter is disabled in Lite Edition. It is available only in full, Aurora Vision Studio Professional version.

See Also