Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » NET SynView » SynView_GrabImage_WithTimeout


Module: ThirdParty

Captures a frame using SynView; returns Nil if no frame comes in the specified time.


Use this filter if the trigger may be not coming for some time, while the application should be performing other operations continuously (e.g. processing HMI events).
Name Type Range Description
Input value
inDeviceID String* Tries to find the camera in all available IDs (UserID, VendorName, ModelName...)
Input value
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - Capacity of input frames queue
Input value
inColorFormat SynViewColorFormat Image color format
Input value
inTimeout Integer 100 - 3600000 Maximum time to wait for frame in milliseconds
Input value
inAcquisitionParams SynViewAcquisitionParams
Input value
inImageFormatParams SynViewImageFormatParams
Input value
inAnalogParams SynViewAnalogParams
Output value
outImage Image? Captured frame
Output value
outFrameID Long? Output frame number; 0 if not supported
Output value
outTimestamp Long? Output image timestamp; 0 if not supported

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of SynView_GrabImage filter group.