Start » Filter Reference » Path » Path Classification » SelectOuterPaths


Module: FoundationPro

Selects paths which do not obstruct visibility of other paths from a point.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inPaths PathArray Input paths from which the outer ones will be selected
Input value
inCenterPoint Point2D Reference point used to determine path visibility
Input value
inTolerance Real 0.0 - 1.0 Fraction of the path sections that are allowed to obstruct visibility of other paths not rendering the path not-outer
Output value
outOuterPaths PathArray Paths classified as outer


The operation select those paths from the inPaths array that do not obstruct the visibility of any other path. Visibility of a characteristic point is obstructed by a path iff the segment connecting this point to inCenterPoint intersect the path.


SelectOuterPaths run on the sample data with inTolerance = 0.0.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also