Start » Filter Reference » Path » Path Spatial Transforms » PathAlongPath


Module: FoundationPro

Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.


Usually used to revert an ImageAlongPath transformation.
Name Type Description
Input value
inPath Path Input path
Input value
inAxis Path Input axis path
Input value
inAxisType Axis Type of axis the input axis path is parallel to
Input value
inAxisCoordinate Real Coordinate of the axis path
Input value
inInverse Bool Switches to the inverse operation
Output value
outPath Path Transformed path


This filter transforms each point in inPath the same way how PointAlongPath does.


ImageAlongPath performed on the sample image with inAxisType = X and inScanWidth = 50. Blue path on output image was reprojected on original image using PathAlongPath with inAxisType = X, inAxisCoordinate = 25, inInverse = true. ImageAlongPath and PathAlongPath used the same path (the orange one) for transformations.


No new points are being added to input path during transformation, and this may lead to some "distortions" of path. This is especially visible on long, straight portions of input path, which are described with only 2 points: the beginning one and the ending one. After transformation, such part of path is still a line, but it may not be corresponding to the transformed image. Easy way to overcome this problem is to increase number of points creating an transformed path.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty path on input in PathAlongPath.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also

  • ImageAlongPath – Creates an image from pixels traversed along a path.
  • PointAlongPath – Transforms a point to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' path is vertical or horizontal.
  • PathAlongArc – Transforms a path to a coordinate system in which the 'axis' arc is vertical or horizontal.