Start » Filter Reference » Region » Region Relations » TestRegionInRegion


Module: FoundationBasic

Tests whether a region is contained in another one.

Name Type Description
Input value
inSubregion Region
Input value
inRegion Region Input region
Output value
outIsContained Bool


The operation tests whether the inSubregion is contained inside the inRegion. The resulting outIsContained is set to 'true' if and only if each pixel of inSubregion is also included in inRegion.


TestRegionInRegion run with inSubregion set to the left region and inRegion set to the right, computes the outIsContained = true.

TestRegionInRegion run with inSubregion set to the left region and inRegion set to the right, computes the outIsContained = false.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also