Start » Filter Reference » Region » Region Spatial Transforms » UncropRegion


Module: FoundationLite

Inverse of CropRegion.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inRegion Region Input region
Input value
inSelection Box Box defining the range of the original cropping
Input value
inWidth Integer 0 - 65535 Width of the uncropped region
Input value
inHeight Integer 0 - 65535 Height of the uncropped region
Output value
outRegion Region Output region


The operation translates a region to original coordinates. The value of inSelection describes region coordinates before the cropping.

Dimensions of outRegion depends on inWidth and inHeight.


Images below show a typical usage of the filter CropRegion.

An input region. A region after CropRegion. Result of applying UncropRegion on the cropped region.


This operation is an inversion of filter CropRegion.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also

  • CropRegion – Creates a region from a rectangular fragment of another one.