Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » Roseek » Roseek_StartAcquisition


Module: ThirdParty

Initializes and starts image acquisition.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - 1000 Number of incoming frames that can be buffered before the application is able to process them
Input value
inImageFormat RoseekImageFormat Image pixel format
Input value
inResolutionMode RoseekResolutionMode* Set resolution of image
Input value
inROI Box* Set resolution region. Has effect only if resolution mode is ROI
Input value
inFrameRate Real* 0.1 - 400.0 Requested camera frame rate in frames per second
Input value
inWorkingMode RoseekWorkingMode* Working mode of image acquisition
Input value
inSensitivityLevel Integer* 0 - 3 Sensitivity level of camera sensor
Input value
inExposureMode RoseekExposureMode* Exposure mode, should be set to Manual if you want to adjust inExposureTime manually
Input value
inExposureTime Integer* 0 - Camera frame exposition time
Input value
inGain Real* 0.0 - 36.0 Camera exposure gain


Camera driver software

This filter is intended to cooperate with camera using its vendor Roseek SDK. To be able to connect to camera it is required to install Roseek SDK software with camera dedicated drivers. Currently Aurora Vision uses Roseek version v1.32.

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.