Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » Smart » Smart_GrabImage_SynView


Module: ThirdParty

Captures an image from a smart camera using SynView interface. Allows for remote access to the runtime system.

Name Type Description
Input value
inIpAddress SmartIPAddress IP address of the runtime system (e.g. a smart camera)
Input value
inDeviceID String* Tries to find the camera in all available IDs (UserID, VendorName, ModelName...)
Input value
inPixelFormat SynViewColorFormat Image color format
Input value
inAcquisitionParams SynViewAcquisitionParams
Input value
inImageFormatParams SynViewImageFormatParams
Input value
inAnalogParams SynViewAnalogParams
Output value
outImage Image Captured frame
Output value
outIsRemote Bool


  • Check the IP address of your runtime system (e.g. using the "ipconfig" command) and set it to the inIpAddress input.
  • Set an appropriate inPixelFormat.
  • Run the program on you runtime system and the camera filter will acquire images directly on it.
  • Run the program on your development machine (e.g. your laptop) connected to the same Ethernet and the camera filter will receive images through a connection with the runtime system.


For more information about Remote Access to the Runtime Application please refer to the following article. Please pay attention especially to the second part of the article, there you will find a detailed description of remote image grabbing procedure.

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
RuntimeError Smart_GrabImage_SynView is not supported in the Lite edition.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of Smart_GrabImage filter group.