Start » Filter Reference » Data Classification » Statistics » FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount


Module: FoundationPro

Finds local density maxima in set of values by looking for the highest concentration of a fixed number of samples.


Can be used to determine histogram's local maxima without actually creating the histogram.
Name Type Range Description
Input value
inValues RealArray Data points array
Input value
inCount Integer 2 - Number of points in a single window
Input value
inMaxSpread Real* Maximum spread of points within a window
Input value
inAllowOverlapping Bool If true all local maxima will be returned otherwise for each group of ranges that overlap a single mode will be returned (the middle of the group)
Input value
inCycle Real* Length of the cycle if data is to be considered cyclically
Input value
inModeFunction DataModeFunction Method of calculating the center of a data mode
Input value
inLocalBlindness LocalBlindness* Helps to sieve out unnecessary points
Output value
outModes RealArray Computed data modes
Output value
outSpreads RealArray Spreads of windows that had a mode


Find approximations of local density maxima in a data sample by looking for highest concentrations in a window with a fixed number of samples.

Overlapping windows (i.e. a series of windows with the same count and the same spread) can be returned as a single mode (the middle those windows) if inAllowOverlapping is set to false.

inMaxSpread and inLocalBlindness can be used to further filter out potentially unnecessary points in the output.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Empty array in FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount.
DomainError Unsupported mode function in FindDensityMaxima_FixedCount.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of FindDensityMaxima filter group.

See Also

  • FindDataMode_FixedCount – Finds the mode in a set of data values by looking for highest concentration of a fixed number of samples.
  • FindDensityMaxima_FixedSpread – Finds local density maxima in a set of values by looking for the highest number of samples withing a range determined by the given spread.