Start » Filter Reference » Surface » Surface Basics » AccessSurface


Module: Vision3DStandard

Returns individual fields of a surface.

Name Type Description
Input value
inSurface Surface Input surface
Output value
outWidth Integer Surface width
Output value
outHeight Integer Surface height
Output value
outPointType PlainType Point Z coordinate type
Output value
outPointByteSize Integer Point Z coordinate size in bytes
Output value
outPitch Integer Length of surface point line with padding
Output value
outXOffset Double Offset in X axis
Output value
outXScale Double Scale in X axis
Output value
outYOffset Double Offset in Y axis
Output value
outYScale Double Scale in Y axis
Output value
outZOffset Double Offset in Z axis
Output value
outZScale Double Scale in Z axis


  • Do NOT use this filter. Instead, use Property Outputs feature, accessible in the output port's context menu.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.