Start » Filter Reference » Surface
Surface Basics |
Icon | Name | Description / Applications | Modules | |
AlignRegionToSurfaceCoordinatesFormat | Returns region covering the same area for the surface with another coordinates format. Transformation of regions defined on the image associated with the surface to image associated with another surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
AlignRegionToSurfaceFormat | Returns region covering the same area for the surface with another format. Transformation of regions defined on the image associated with the surface to image associated with another surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ArrangePoint3DArray | Creates a surface structure from Point3D array taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ArrangePoint3DGrid | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ConvertCoordinateSystem2DTo3D | Converts a coordinate system connected with the surface image to a coordinate system connected with the surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ConvertSurfaceType | Changes the point Z coordinate type. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CreateFlatSurface | Creates a uniform surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CreateSurfaceFromImage | Creates a Surface structure from coordinates encoded in pixels of an image. Creating a Surface structure out of an image obtained from a 3D camera or other external sources that encodes 3D surface as pixel components of 2D image. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
GetSurfaceElement_Interpolated | Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its surface grid coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
GetSurfacePath | Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their surface grid coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageBoxToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image box. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageCircleToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image circle. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageCoordinateSystemToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image coordinate system. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageLineToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image line. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImagePathsToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image paths. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImagePathToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image path. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImagePointsToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image points. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImagePointToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image point. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageSegmentsToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image segments. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageSegmentToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image segment. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ImageVectorToSurfaceCoordinates | Finds the surface coordinates of image vector. Transformation of results found on the image associated with the surface to the surface coordinates. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
MakeSurfaceFromImage | Creates a Surface structure from depth map mono image. Creating Surface structure out of depth map image obtained from a 3D depth camera or other external sources using 2D images to transfer depth map data. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ProjectPathOntoSurface | Returns a path consisting of interpolated single points of a surface given their coordinates in surface coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ProjectPointOntoSurface | Returns an interpolated single point of a surface given its coordinates in surface coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ProjectSurfaceOntoAxesPlane | Projects a surface onto one of three axes planes. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ResamplePoint3DGrid | Creates a surface structure from Point3DGrid taking into account X and Y coordinates and trying to preserve continuity of the surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SkipEmptySurface | If the input Surface has at least one point defined, then it is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned. Secures against domain errors caused by empty surfaces, e.g. just before the FitPlaneToSurface filter is to be invoked. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SkipEmptySurfaceRegion | If the input surface contains at least one valid point in a given region, then the region is copied to the output; otherwise Nil is returned. Secures against domain errors caused by regions with no valid point, e.g. just before the SurfaceMassCenter filter is to be invoked. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceBoxToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface box. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceBoxToRegion | Finds the surface region covered by surface box. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated surface region. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceCircleToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface circle. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceCircleToRegion | Finds the surface region covered by surface circle. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated surface region. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceCoordinateSystemToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface coordinate system. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceLineToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface line. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfacePathsToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface paths. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfacePathToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface path. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfacePathToRegion | Finds the surface region covered by surface path. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated surface region. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfacePointsToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface points. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfacePointToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface point. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceSegmentsToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface segments. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceSegmentToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface segment. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceVectorToImageCoordinates | Finds the associated image coordinates of surface vector. Transformation of objects defined in the surface coordinate system to the associated image coordinate system. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
TestSurface | Returns a sample 3D surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
Surface Features |
Icon | Name | Description / Applications | Modules | |
ReplaceInvalidSurfacePoints | Replaces all invalid points with a given Z value. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceArea | Computes the surface area of given surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceBoundingBox | Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceBoundingBox_OrNil | Computes the bounding box 3D of given surface; returns NIL if no valid point is present. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceFlatness | Computes the surface flatness i.e. how thick the surface is according to the input plane. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceLocalMaxima | Finds surface locations characterized by locally maximal heights. Detection of characteristic points, usually after some surface transformations. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceLocalMinima | Finds surface locations characterized by locally minimal heights. Detection of characteristic points, usually after some surface transformations. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMassCenter | Computes the mass center of surface points. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMassCenter_OrNil | Computes the mass center of surface points; returns NIL if the surface is empty in the given region. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMaximalPoint | Finds the surface point with maximal Z coordinate. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMedian | Finds the median Z coordinate of the surface points. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMedian_OrNil | Finds the median Z coordinate of the surface points; returns NIL if the surface is empty in the given region. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMinimalPoint | Finds the surface point with minimal Z coordinate. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMultiplePointsAlongAxis | Returns multiple arrays of surface points along X or Y axis. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceMultipleProfilesAlongAxis | Creates the profiles of point Z values along X or Y axis. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceNormalsImage | Computes a normals image for a surface |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceProfileAlongPath | Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average surface height on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values. This is the first step of all 1D Edge Detection 3D operations. Here available for direct use by the user. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceSinglePointsAlongAxis | Returns single array of surface points along X or Y axis. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceSingleProfileAlongAxis | Creates the profile of point Z values along X or Y axis. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceToPlaneDistanceImage | Computes the image of the distances of the input surface points from a given plane. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceValidPointsRegion | Computes region of locations where points are valid in a surface and where they are invalid. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceVolume_Double | Computes the volume of a surface with respect to another surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SurfaceVolume_Single | Computes the volume of a surface with respect to a plane. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
Surface Fitting |
Icon | Name | Description / Applications | Modules | |
FitCircleToSurfaceHole | Fits a circle to a hole in a surface plane. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
FitPlaneToSurface | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using the Least Squares method. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
FitPlaneToSurface_M | Approximates points of the input surface with a plane using selected M-estimator for outlier suppression. Finding a locally optimal plane. Good enough when the number of outliers is small. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
Surface Interpolations |
Icon | Name | Description / Applications | Modules | |
ResampleSurface | Equalizes the scales format of the input surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ResampleSurface_AnyScales | Changes the coordinates format of the input surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SmoothSurface_Gauss | Smooths a surface using a gaussian kernel. Removal of gaussian noise from surfaces. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SmoothSurface_Mean | Smooths a surface by averaging heights within a rectangular kernel. Usually used for computing features related to local surface "windows". Can be also used for noise removal, but Gauss is superior here. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
Surface Spatial Transforms |
Icon | Name | Description / Applications | Modules | |
AbsoluteSurface | Transforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its absolute value. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CloseSurfacePoints | Reconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurface | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity | Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurfaceToBox3D | Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurfaceToRegion | Removes points that are not present in a given region. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurface_Dynamic | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
CropSurface_Relative | Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
DilateSurfacePoints | Reconstructs missing points of the input surface by interpolating neighboring points. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ErodeSurfacePoints | Removes some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
FlattenSurface | Flattens a curved surface. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
FlattenSurface_WithScalePreserving | Flattens a curved surface preserving the scale on the axes. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
JoinSurfaces | Combines two surfaces into one. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
MirrorSurface | Transforms Z coordinate of each surface point to its opposite value. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
OpenSurfacePoints | Removes some existing points from the input surface when some points in their vicinity are missing. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ProjectSurfaceOntoPlane | Projects a surface on another plane, replacing Z coordinate of a point with its distance from a given plane. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
ReduceSurface | Reduces surface dimensions as much as possible. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
RescaleSurface | Changes the distances of surface points to a reference point. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SplitSurfaceByPlane | Separates the surface points being on one side of the input plane from the others. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
SubtractSurfaces | Subtracts two surfaces point by point. |
Vision3DStandard | ||
TranslateSurface | Translates a surface by a vector. |
Vision3DStandard |