Start » Filter Reference » Camera Support » ZebraScanEngines » ZebraScanEngines_StartAcquisition


Module: ThirdParty

Initializes and starts image acquisition in a scanner.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inDeviceID Integer* Device identifying number
Input value
inInputQueueSize Integer 1 - 200 Capacity of output frames queue
Input value
inAutoTrigger Bool Enables or disables auto triggering
Input value
inAutoTriggerPeriod Integer* 10 - Period of automatic triggers (in ms)
Input value
inOperationMode ZebraScanEnginesOperationModes Scanner operation mode (video/snapshot)
Input value
inImageType ZebraScanEnginesImageTypes Image format for the snapshot mode


This filter is intended for establishing connection with a Zebra scanner device using Zebra Scanner SDK interface, to initialize image streaming. It is only needed when explicit image acquisition start is required in the initial phase of a program.

The use of this filter is not obligatory. ZebraScanEngines_GrabImage or ZebraScanEngines_GrabImage_WithTimeout] filters will initialize and start image acquisition upon their first invoke.

This filter has no effect when invoked for the second time and when invoked after image grabbing filters.

This filter is intended to cooperate with a scanner using its vendor SDK. To be able to connect to a scanner, it is required to install Zebra Scanner SDK software with Zebra CoreScanner Driver.

Zebra Scanner SDK can be downloaded from the following website: (registration may be required).

Add DLL path to system environment variable may be required.

Recommended Zebra Scanner SDK version for Aurora Vision Studio usage is 3.06.0024.

Scanner identification

When there is only one scanner connected to a computer, field inDeviceID can be set to Auto. In this case, first available scanner will be found and connected.

inDeviceID field can be used to pick one of multiple scanners connected to the computer. DeviceID can be set to:

  • ID number - can be obtained from Scanner SDK Sample Application which is installed during the Zebra Scanner SDK installation. The ID is the number in the column "#" under "Connected Scanners".

Parallel execution

This filter cannot be placed in multiple Workers.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

See Also