Aurora Visio Studio TOP » Filter Groups » CropSurface



Removes from the surface points that do not satisfy conditions.

Filters in this group

Icon Name Description
CropSurface Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given rectangular box.
CropSurfaceToBox3D Removes from the surface points that are not contained in a given box in 3D.
CropSurfaceToRegion Removes points that are not present in a given region.
CropSurfaceByNeighborsProximity Removes from the surface points that are too distant from their neighbor points.
CropSurfaceByPlaneProximity Removes from the surface points that are too distant from a given plane.
CropSurface_Relative Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood.
CropSurface_Dynamic Removes from the surface points that are relatively too distant from their average neighbor points in a local rectangular neighborhood.