Start » Filter Reference » Geometry 3D » Geometry 3D Fitting » FitCircle3DToHole


Module: Vision3DLite

Fits a circle to a hole in a plane.

Name Type Range Description
Input value
inPointGrid Point3DGrid
Input value
inRoi Region* Range of pixels to be processed
Input value
inPlaneOutlierSuppression MEstimator
Input value
inClippingFactor Real 0.675 - 6.0 Multitude of standard deviation within which points are considered inliers
Input value
inIterationCount Integer 0 - Number of iterations of outlier suppressing algorithm
Input value
inInitialPlane Plane3D* Initial approximation of a plane (if available)
Input value
inCircleFittingMethod CircleFittingMethod
Input value
inCircleOutlierSuppression MEstimator*
Output value
outCircle3D Circle3D? Circle fitted to a hole
Output value
outPlane Plane3D
Output value
outInliers Point3DArray Points matching the computed plane
Output value
outDistances RealArray Distances of the input points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSignedDistanceSum Real Sum of signed distances of the input points to a resulting plane
Output value
outDistanceSum Real Sum of distances of the input points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSquaredDistances RealArray Squared distances of the input points to a resulting plane
Output value
outSquaredDistanceSum Real Sum of squared distances of the input points to a resulting plane

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Basic Complexity Level.