Start » Filter Reference » Image » Image Features » ImageProfileAlongPath


Module: FoundationPro

Creates a series of segments across the input path, measures the average pixel intensity on each of the segments, and creates the final profile from those values.


This is the first step of all 1D Edge Detection operations. Here available for direct use by the user.
Name Type Range Description
Input value
inImage Image Input image
Input value
inScanPath Path Path along which the profile is extracted
Input value
inScanPathAlignment CoordinateSystem2D* Adjusts the scan path to the position of the inspected object
Input value
inScanWidth Integer 1 - Width of the scan field in pixels
Input value
inSamplingParams SamplingParams Parameters controlling the sampling process
Input value
inSmoothingStdDev Real 0.0 - Standard deviation of the gaussian smoothing applied to the extracted profile
Input value
inAccumulationMode AccumulationMode Determines how the pixel values are combined
Input value
inBorderColor Pixel* Color of pixel outside image
Output value
outProfile Profile The resulting profile of the pixel brightness
Output value
outPath Path The path consisting of the points from which the resulting profile is extracted
Output value
outAlignedScanPath Path Input scan path after transformation (in the image coordinates)
Diagnostic input
diagSamplingPoints PathArray Array of paths each one containing the sampling points that contributed to a single value of the extracted profile
Diagnostic input
diagSamplingStep Real Used distance between consecutive sampling points on the scan path


ImageProfileAlongPath applied on an image of a bottle (inScanWidth = 5)

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.