Start » Filter Reference » Image » Image Local Transforms » SmoothImage_Mean_Mask


Module: FoundationLite

Smooths an image by averaging pixels within a small rectangular kernel.


This is a faster alternative to SmoothImage_Mean when the kernel is very small.
Name Type Description
Input value
inImage Image Input image
Input value
inRoi Region* Range of outImage pixels to be computed
Input value
inKernel MeanKernel Selects a predefined kernel
Output value
outImage Image Output image


This operation is a simplified, fast in computation, version of SmoothImage_Mean, with predefined kernel and simplified ROI handling.

Kernel used in operation can be chosen by inKernel parameter:

  • Box_3x3: 3 by 3 pixels, the closest equivalent is SmoothImage_Mean call with inKernel = Box, inRadiusX = 1, inRadiusY = 1, inIterationsCount = 1
  • Box_5x5: 5 by 5 pixels, the closest equivalent is SmoothImage_Mean call with inKernel = Box, inRadiusX = 2, inRadiusY = 2, inIterationsCount = 1

Although above calls are described as closest equivalent their results may vary.


  • Choose kernel size by setting inKernel input.
  • If a larger kernel is required, switch to SmoothImage_Mean.
  • If you want to remove noises from an image, consider using SmoothImage_Gauss_Mask instead.


SmoothImage_Mean_Mask performed on a sample image with inKernel = Box5x5.

Hardware Acceleration

This operation is optimized for SSE2 technology for pixels of types: UINT8, SINT16.

This operation is optimized for AVX2 technology for pixels of types: SSE2: UINT8, SINT16.

This operation is optimized for NEON technology for pixels of types: UINT8, SINT8, UINT16, SINT16.

This operation supports automatic parallelization for multicore and multiprocessor systems.


This filter can throw an exception to report error. Read how to deal with errors in Error Handling.

List of possible exceptions:

Error type Description
DomainError Region exceeds an input image in SmoothImage_Mean_Mask.

Complexity Level

This filter is available on Advanced Complexity Level.

Filter Group

This filter is member of SmoothImage filter group.

See Also

  • SmoothImage_Mean – Smooths an image by averaging pixels within a rectangular kernel.